Additional Publications
Hagedorn , Hermann. Sagamore H ill: An Historic Guide. New York: Liberty York - All en Wayne, Inc., 1993 . Story of the house and family, illustrated.
Harbaugh, William H. The Theodore Roosevelts' Retreat in Southern Albermarle: Pine Knot, 1905 - 1908. Reprinted from the Magazine of Albermarle County History, Vol. 51, 1993. Charlottesville: Albermarle County Historical Society, 1994. About TR's "Camp David."
Johnson, William D. T.R.: Champion of Ike Strenuous Life. Oyster Bay, New York: Theodore Roosevelt Association, 1958. A photographic biography of Theodore Roosevelt.
G able, John A., Douglas G. Brinkley and Natalie Naylor, eds. Theodore Roosevelt: Many Sided American. Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lake Publishing, 1992. Th e proceedings of a symposium on Theodore Roosevelt presented at Hofstra University. Papers on a variety of topics pertaining to Theodore Roosevelt and his family.
Morris, Sylvia Jukes. Edith Kermit Roosevelt: Portrait of a First Lady. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980 (hardcover); New York: Modern Library, 2001 (paperback). The only biography of TR's First Lady, Edith. A companion volume to Edmund Morris's books on TR, this rounds out the picture